I spent many hours, many days working to make this the best guide it can possibly be. How can I give you money for your hard work and dedication for making such a great guide? A. You can show your thanks by donating money to me. How long did it take you to finish this guide? A. Selling or trading the guide is a crime and any violator is at risk. Can I sell you trade your guide in a transaction. It says what you have to do to use this guide on you site in the Guide Information section of this Guide. I will email you back telling you what to do, and the guide will be revised for next version. Just email me at telling me your problem. I'm stuck and it doesn't say what to do in your guide. Your help is greatly appreciated, and will be added in the next version of this guide. Email me at telling me what the secret/glitch/shortcut is. I found something in Diddy Kong Racing, but it is not in your guide. Your help is greatly appreciated, and will be corrected in the next version of this guide. Email me at telling me exactly what the error is. However, according to Dan Scott, nothing at all happenes after you beat adventure two. Does anything happen after I beat Adventure Two Mode? A. Yes you unlock the Adventure Two mode which is nothing more than adventure one with mirrored courses that has the silver coins in different places. Does anything happen after I beat Adventure Mode? A. If done correctly, you'll get a cut scene showing the lighthouse turning into a rocket ship, and then blasting off toward the moon. Go behind it from both directions and beep your horn by pressing Z. Once you have done that, go behind the sign that is located near the lighthouse. In order to get to Future Fun Land, you must have beaten Wizpig 1, and placed first place in all four of the trophy challenges.

The door is located in Future Fun Land, which is a hidden domain. amulet has one purpose, and that is to open up a door that leads to Wizpig 2. If you win the mini game, you get a piece of the T.T. Like I said before, the project may be canceled, I am not fully certain. The characters' vehicles will be insects, rhinos, ect. And no character will be riding in karts/hovercrafts/planes. The game is going to be called "Donkey Kong Racing." Diddy is not the main character though, Donkey Kong is. I know they were planning to, but I think the project got canceled. Is Nintendo making a sequel to this game for the Gamecube? A. I know, the story of this game is kind of, well, corny, however that doesn't effect the exciting gameplay at all. However, that doesn't mean that only little kids can play it. Most other racing games just consist of trying to get to the goal line faster than your opponent. It is so good, because it has a feature that most other racing games do not have: an adventure mode.

In my mind, this is one of the best racing games, better than Mario Kart 64.
#Diddy kong racing walkthrough full#
This version is perhaps the most complete Diddy Kong Racing Guide ever written, with secrets, shortcuts, and a full walkthrough. Ma- Diddy Kong Racing Guide version 1.0 is released. It adds three extremely rare Magic Codes, and it fixes a format issue. This version includes a trick that will allow you to get 99 golden balloons. Ap- Diddy Kong Racing Guide version 1.1 is released. The only difference between this and the previous version is that I fixed some errors in the guide. Ap- Diddy Kong Racing Guide version 1.1a is released. I got tired of you people asking the same questions, so I updated that section with some of the more common questions. The only difference between this and the previous version is many added questions to the frequently asked questions section of this guide.