Code it right turn off xml comment requirement
Code it right turn off xml comment requirement


(for file, put it in header, and you do not need to enable it again, for single class wrap around a class, or for method wrap around a method, or.


Pragma usage: any where in code before the place you get compiler warning for. If you don't really want to release your DLL, and also you don't need documentations then, go to your solution, build section, and turn it off, else if you need it, so fill them, and if there are unimportant properties and fields, just surpass them with pre-compiler instruction In your solution, once you check the option to generate XML Document file, it start checking your public members, for having the XMLDoc, if they don't, you'll receive a warning per each element. Right-click the Visual Studio project / Properties / Build Tab You can suppress every warning in Visual Studio. Parameter ‘…’ has no matching param tag in the XML comment for ‘…’ (but other parameters do) XML comment on … has a param tag for ‘…’, but there is no parameter by that name Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member … While sometimes warnings helps us to improve and stabilize our code, getting hundreds of XML comment warnings is just a pain. Additionally you will get a lot of warnings also in designer generated files, because of the missing or wrong XML comments. If you have checked the "XML documentation file" mark in the Visual Studio project settings, a XML file containing all XML comments is created. Here i will show you, how you can suppress warnings for XML comments after a Visual Studio build. This is a bug addressed in 1912 LTSR CU4 as CVADHELP-17421.(not my work, but I found it useful so I've included the article & link) Solution 7: Please refer to Configure TLS on a VDA using the PowerShell script and enable TLS with "Enable-VdaSSL.ps1" on VDA. (This is problem only when HdxSslEnabled is true on your delivery group.) Set-BrokerSite -TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort $TrueĬause 7: SSL related registry settings under "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Wds\icawd" are rolled back to the default values after installing CU on VDA 1912 LTSR. Solution 6: Please run the following PowerShell command as an administrator on the Delivery Controller: Solution 5: Please power on more VMs in the Delivery Group or add more VDA machines to the Delivery Group.Ĭause 6: Pass-through authentication to Citrix Workspace app is attempted but the XML trust service is not correctly configured.


How to Troubleshoot Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) Registration issues to resolve VDA registration issue.Ĭause 5: There are insufficient random/non-persistent Windows desktop VDA machines available for the user to successfully launch one. From the Citrix Workspace app, click the user name, in the dropdown list, and click Refresh Apps.Ĭause 4: The VDA machine to host the HDX session is not registered to any of the Delivery Controller servers in the site.If Citrix Workspace app Self-Service Plug-in is disabled by Manage SelfServieMode policy, right click the Citrix Workspace app icon in Windows notification area and click Refresh.Set-BrokerMachineMaintenanceMode -InputObject \ $falseĬause 3: The user attempts to launch an app or desktop in Citrix Workspace app after access to the resource in the Delivery Group has been removed, but before the user has refreshed avaialbe apps in Citrix Workspace app. Solution 2: Please turn off Maintenance Mode for that machine from Citrix Studio or PowerShell cmdlet: Resolving the performance issue on the VDA server if it is running into performance problems.Ĭause 2: The Random single-session OS or multi-session OS machine the user is connecting to is in maintenance mode.Increasing the number of VDA servers hosting the published resource to the Delivery Group.Logging off idle or disconnected sessions.Get-BrokerMachine |Select DNSName, LoadIndex, LoadIndexes When troubleshooting the issue, please consider: Using Citrix Director: Trends => Load Evaluator Index tab.Solution 1: Please confirm if the VDA Server has reached the settings you specified in above HDX policies. Causes and Solutions Cause 1: For Multi-session OS machines, the VDA machine is reaching the maximum load you specified in one of following load management policies:

Code it right turn off xml comment requirement